Our customers understand that as we evolve, so will our privacy policy, and it is the responsibility of each customer to review revisions of our privacy policy on their own terms by going to our website (www.gotoshift.com). Please read the Terms and Conditions first, as terms found in the privacy policy are defined within that document.
To provide customers with our services, we allow (or may require) our customers to enter some or all (but not limited to) the information below.
Below is the data we collect on each customer of our product (but not limited to):
Other Types of Data Collection
Existing and former platform users may receive marketing notification by email, or within their platforms logged-in environment, to let you know about and invite you to participate in our products and service offerings either by us or a third party or a former or current employer.
We reserve the right to change providers, vendors, and partners when we deem necessary without prior notice. In all cases we have done our due diligence to ensure those services do not violate this Privacy Policy, and those services are in compliance with privacy regulation. We may use certain trusted third-party companies and individuals to help us provide, analyze, and improve the GTS platform (including but not limited to data storage, maintenance services, chat tools, database management, web analytics, payment processing, and improving the features of the GTS platform). These third parties may have access to your personal data only for purposes of performing these tasks on our behalf and under obligations similar to those in this privacy policy. We, however, are not responsible for what those parties do with your information, so you should ensure you trust the application and that it has a privacy policy acceptable to you before allowing this feature to be employed.
Third party services utilized by our platform include. but not limited to, the following:
We may disclose your non-private, aggregated, or otherwise non-personal data, such as usage statistics of the GTS application.
Safeguard And Measures Taken To Protect Your Data
How Long Is Personal Data or Company Data Held?
We hold your data as long as you are a customer. Users who cancel their account may have data on our server for up to 2 year minimum or maximum after the account is cancelled or closed. However, it may be held longer for the following reasons outlined below.
After a customer account is cancelled, you may request your data is removed from our system servers by emailing Support@gotoshift.com, and we will remove all records of your account in a timely manner – provided we are not required to hold it for one of the reasons mentioned above. Employees may also cancel their account or block their phone number or email address from any business preventing the notifications of any or all businesses on our platform from reaching them by text, email or application notifications that are facilitated by our system servers. Requesting the cancelation of some features or services, however, may require the user to close their GTS account completely or report a company that is regularly sending shifts to you without consent. If you are an application user or non-application user connected with or not connected with an organization sending you shifts messages with or without your consent we can remove your record from the organizations record by submitting your request through the contact page. You will need to provide the organizations name sending you the notifications, your name, your email address and phone number using the form located on the contact page.